Who we are

LET’S TAKE ACTION! … and not be left out.

Claim the right, to win the fight

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
– Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


The ACTION Coalition was formed in July 2012 when a number of like-minded organisations and activists decided to focus their resources (human and financial) to foreground access to information (ATI) on the policy and governance agenda of the Namibian Government as part of its commitment to eradicate corruption through fostering good governance practices throughout the state.

What we do

In our attempts to further the causes of access to information (ATI) and freedom of expression (FoX), the ACTION Coalition engages in the following activities…

Work with us

The ACTION Coalition actively seeks to grow its membership base. Members are drawn into all coalition activities, on the principle of ‘active participation’, and are engaged in the process of shaping the coalition’s agenda and activity schedule, based on their views and needs in the context of ATI and FoX.

Meet our members

What unifies ACTION coalition members is our work to promote the right to information as a basic human right, necessary for the enjoyment of all other rights and critical for human development.

Our Partners

Partners are important pillars that provide invaluable resources which allow the ACTION Coalition to rollout its activities.