Boycott the sham conference

Boycott the sham conference

EDITORIAL, THE NAMIBIAN – We sympathise with non-governmental people, who believe that to stay away from the upcoming land conference is to lose a golden opportunity in shaping Namibia’s long-standing debate on who owns the land. However, with a week to go...
Ask your LAND question

Ask your LAND question

The struggle for land is real in Namibia. Many Namibians are seeking answers to questions related to land matters, and as the second national land conference draws near, it is becoming clear that information around land issues is concerningly and considerably lacking....
Boycott the sham conference

Grasping in the dark on land matters

BY FREDERICO LINKS – As Namibians become increasingly seized with land matters in the run-up to the second national land conference, which is scheduled for early October, it’s necessary to review the access to information situation around land questions. And in...

Withdraw Land Bill and consult – NANGOF

The NANGOF Working Group on Land Reform issued the following statement today: CALL FOR WTHDRAWAL OF LAND BILL The NANGOF Working Group on Land Reform has noted with concern that the Minister of Land Reform, Hon. Uutoni Nujoma, tabled the Land Bill [B.19-2016] in the...